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17 October 2004

Wow, they ARE desperate...or at least drunk.

I was still a little foggy in the ol' noggin this morning, as I lovingly strapped the Gentle Leader on the corgi and set off on our traditional Sunday constitutional/ paper run, but I did notice the Kerry/Edwards sign seemed to be missing from the front lawn. My first thought was that I must have moved it while doing lawn work...then I realized I don't do lawn work.

Then I noticed the Kerry/Edwards sign was missing from our neighbor's house across the street.

As I walked down our avenue, which used to be liberally (lame pun intended) sprinkled with lawn signs touting Democratic candidates, it dawned on me how bare the street looked. Even the Firefighters for Kerry sign had been removed from house #201. The only Dem signs that seemed to survive was a Kerry/Edwards sign ensconced by its owners in a hedge on their front lawn, and our Al Weed sign, which was only visible coming down off the main road but hidden by our tree if one were coming the other way.

The cognitive dissonance is still a little hard to shake. Maybe we just had a strong wind that knocked down 95% of the Kerry signs (the lone Bush-Cheney sign on our street is still standing). But since there's even a woman complaining about the theft of her Kerry sign on the cover of today's Washington Post, and this isn't the first time something like this happened in our area, this seems to be the logical result of college Republicans (we live right by the University of Virginia) and beer.

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