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31 January 2006

Did anyone watch the idiot?

I (thankfully) don't have TV, but I didn't listen to it on the internets either, because my stomach couldn't handle, and my liver certainly couldn't handle any drinking game (unless you throw back a shot for a coherent statement). So what empty promises did he deliver and which fears did he play on?
Since the Freepers call it "freeping", could you please "nevsky" this poll?

I'll leave it to you to decide what to choose, but the fact that two of the choices are "ban it" and "it's already banned, leave the Constitution alone" illustrates what groups like Equality Virginia are dealing with...
OK, Timmy ol' boy, go get 'im...

Since ol' Dumbass is going to present the most excruciating hour of TV tonight since the American Idol tryouts, my guv (I voted for you, buddy!) is going to be in the spotlight as the official spokesman for the Democratic response.

As an opening salvo, might I suggest paraphrasing Mary McCarthy and reminding the country that every word out of Bush's mouth is a lie, including "and" and "the"?

But I'd settle for asking George why he loves terrorism so much...

29 January 2006

Is this radio you should be listening to? OF COURRRRRRRSE!

I've got the computer on the The Young Turks now, as they've been on the air since Friday and will continue to be on until there is or isn't a filibuster against Alito. Cenk sounds a little tired but it's still compelling radio.

And if you'd like to hear them under "normal" circumstances, you can listen to Radiopower for free from 6-9 each evening, with a replay the following morning from 10-12...

25 January 2006

Tag! I'm it...

CmdrSue has about three outstanding tags on me, and one day I'm going to get my shit together long enough to answer them.

But not today. *sigh*...

15 January 2006

Brokeback Republicans are at it again...

The State House of Delegates is at it again, passing a bill that would change the state constitution ostensibly to ban gay marriage. You know, in case the other laws we already have in VA banning gay marriage suddenly disappeared.

Equality Virginia has a good position paper about why this is bullshit, but given the atmosphere down here the civil rights argument is tough. I'd hope that libertarians (which many Virginians profess to be) would support Kaine's veto of this bill as a waste of taxpayer money when this state is already pretty well protected against homos, indeed, when there are laws in place against the terrors of oral and anal sex between consenting adults.

(I was surprised, however, that there the law on the books also makes it illegal to screw livestock down here. I'm guessing the enforcement on that one is lax...)

I guess in order to get your kicks down in VA you have to enjoy another kind of cockfighting...

I've got the perfect remedy for this, though. A brave delegate just has to attach an amendment calling this the "If You Vote For This, You're Gay Bill".

Then just sit back and watch their heads explode...

11 January 2006

I guess we really are that stupid...

I suppose by this article's logic if the public were split on nun beating that would make it okay too. But this person's comment scares me the most (and I'm not just talking about the grammar):

Cynthia Ice-Bones, 32, a Republican from Sacramento, Calif., said knowing about the program made her feel a bit safer. "I think our security is so important that we don't need warrants. If you're doing something we shouldn't be doing, then you ought to be caught," she said.

Name one terrorist that was not caught because the Bush administration couldn't get a retroactive warrant in time. I'll wait.

The fact that the Bushies can't abide by rules that any quasi-competent would be able to utilize to catch criminals should tell us all a) they're idiots or b) they're not interested in catching terrorists. Shouldn't this be obvious by now?

But I do get a bit of bitter solace from the thought that Ms. I-B is being monitored just as fervently as I am. And why should she worry? After all, if she's doing something they shouldn't haven't been not doing...

08 January 2006

Anything interesting happen while I was out?

Just returned from holiday celebrations and a week in Paris with my lovely wife, off to bed now to hopefully sleep myself back to America time, but just wanted to wish the fellow bloggers a happy, if somewhat belated, new year...