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16 June 2005

Halloween? Rocky? Friday the 13th?

I could lose my geek pass for this admission, but I have no idea if Batman Begins is a restarting of the myth or meant to be the fifth film in the 90s series...

But it did lead to a debate w/the CmdrSue posse that you might find interesting: Was there ever a good fifth film in a series? For this discussion we can dismiss Empire because the only debate there is whether the film is actually #5...

Hmmm. What was the fifth Bond film?

11 June 2005

Howard Dean speaks for me...

I signed the petition. Please go do so if Howard Dean speaks for you...

And if some wingnut tries to bait you with fake outrage, might I suggest a calm Three-Stooges eyepoke as an appropriate response that engages said wingnut on a level of discourse to which s/he is accustomed?

10 June 2005

A meeting of the minds last night of epic proportions...

...took place as famed blogger Matt Lind, yours truly, our spouses, and other local intellectuals gathered in order to determine the best way to stop the media lock the White House has over the country, to halt the viral spread of fundamentalism that has frustrated the dear social liberties we have taken for granted for so long, and to steer the country in the right direction, returning America to the values we have championed in theory but fallen so short of in principle.

OK, actually we played Settlers of Catan and tried to come up w/the most puerile response possible to "Who wants wood?" (I think Matt and I tied...)

But next week, I promise, stop media lock, halt fundamentalism's viral spread...

08 June 2005

It's been awhile...oh however that song goes.

I've been lax on the blogging, my bad; until I come up w/something substantial you can use the comments to discuss Revenge of the Sith (which I saw this past weekend)...